
CoNGA'18 Gallery

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Introduction by John Gustafson (A*CRC & NUS)
General Chair of CoNGA'18
Switching over to First Session: Current Floating-Point Tools
Keynote Speaker: Peter Lindstrom (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Current Floating-Point Tools Session Leader: Michael Lam
Keynote Speaker: Vassil Dimitrov (University of Calgary)

Speaker: Gerd Bohlender (previously Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)

Speaker: Shin Yee Chung (SpeedGo Computing)
Speaker: Ignaz Kohlbecker (Emergee GmbH).
Speaker: Zoltan Lehoczky and Almos Szabo (Lombiq Technologies)
Speaker: (L-R) Almos Szabo and Zoltan Lehoczky (Lombiq Technologies)
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Speaker: Artur Podobas (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Our posit demonstrator giving an explanation of their working posit implementations.
Panel Discussion chaired by John Gustafson
Demonstrations of working posit implementations.
Demonstrations of working posit implementations.
Demonstrators from Calligo Technologies.
CoNGA'18 Celebratory Dinner.
CoNGA'18 Celebratory Dinner.